Tuesday 17 March 2015

Nelson Mandela - Timeline

1918- Nelson Mandela was born in Qunu near Umatala
1944- Mandela helped found the ANC Youth Leage
1952- Opened the First Black Law Firm
1962- Mandela had been arrested
1994- Mandela elected state president of south Africa
1993- Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
1999- Mandela was no longer a President of South Africa
2013- Mandela died

Turning Points

  1. When his father died, Mandela and was groomed for becoming chief of his local tribe.
  2. Whilst at university Nelson Mandela became increasingly aware of the unjust nature of South African Society. The majority of Black South Africans had little opportunities either Economic or Political.
  3. Mandela became involved in politics, and along with his good friend and comrade Oliver Tambo was expelled from Fort Hare for organising a student strike.
  4. Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League, whose Programme of Action was adopted by the ANC 
  5. Mandela had to resign from the ANC and work underground
  6. However in 1960 the Sharpeville massacre of 63 black South African’s changed the whole political climate. South Africa was increasingly isolated on the international scene and the government banned the ANC. This led Mandela to advocate armed struggle through the Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK).

  1. Mandela was able to finish his degree and qualified as a Lawyer
  2. Mandela helped found the ANC Youth League, whose Programme of Action was adopted by the ANC 
  3. In 1952 Mandela and Tambo opened the first Black Law firm in South Africa.
  4. In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  5. In 2009, The United Nations General Assembly declared Mandela’s birthday as ‘Mandela Day’, as an effort to pay tribute and homage to his great work in the anti-apartheid movement.
  6. Queen Elizabeth II decorated Mandela by bestowing upon him the Bailiff Grand Cross of the Order of St. John and the Order of Merit.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Nelson Mandela - Timeline

1918- Nelson Mandela was born in Qunu near Umatala
1944- Mandela helped found the ANC Youth Leage
1952- Opened the First Black Law Firm
1962- Mandela had been arrested
1994- Mandela elected state president of south Africa
1993- Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
1999- Mandela was no longer a President of South Africa
2013- Mandela died

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Inspiring inventors

  • Philosophical conversation about smart wheel chair
  • Impact on people's lives
  • Improve the quality of life for people with the condition
  • Detected test for pancreatic,ovarian and lung cancer